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 Content Editor ‭[1]‬

Maximum rate for the carriage of persons in accordance with article 13 of the National Decree on Public Transportation 21-02-2013  AB 2013 GT no. 112.

a.      children aged 0 to 3 years ride free of charge;  
b. or persons over 65 years, on presentation of an identity document referred to in Article 2 of the Ordinance Identification Requirements ride free of charge. 
c. Notwithstanding the tariffs listed below, the maximum rate for the transport of children aged 4 to 12 years, is half the rate mentioned in the second and third paragraphs. 
d. For transporting luggage the permit holder charges for the adult fare if in the reasonable opinion of the permit holder is of such a size that it occupies a seat . ​

 Content Editor ‭[2]‬

Maximum rates for the carriage of passengers between midnight and 04:00, are the following:​